What are Club Evaluations/Tryouts?
To help evaluate players and form teams of similar skill levels the club is required to evaluate all players in the Academy and Select Levels. Typically, the club hold evaluations/tryouts in May for the upcoming year. If roster spots are still available after that then other players can be individually evaluated and added to a team at a later date. The club also usually has a mid-year evaluation/tryout in December or early January to fill any open roster spots for the spring season. All effort will be made to find teams for all that want to play, however sometimes we have more players than we have teams. In that case players may be cut or asked to play in our recreation program where they may be able to play as guest players on a team for tournaments or other games. Each player will be evaluated by at least two different coaches over the course of the evaluations when possible. All evaluations are done by number and coaches doing the evaluations are not given the player’s names. We also try to make sure at least one of the coaches is not the coach of the team for that age group when we can. Players will be evaluated on things like coachability, technical skills and physical ability. Effort, listening skills, behavior and showing a desire to want to get better are always key traits we look for.
When are Club Evaluations/Tryouts Held?
Each May the club holds open evaluations for all wanting to play in the coming season. After the initial evaluation and registration process if there are still roster spots available other can be evaluated individually and added later. For the younger age groups the club will hold a second open evaluation and registration in early January if there are any roster spots available or enough players to form a new team.
Is There a Cost to Tryout or Be Evaluated?
Unlike most clubs we currently DO NOT require a fee to take part in the evaluations. No fees are paid until a player is offered and they accept their team assignment.
Tryouts/Evaluations, What Do I need to Bring
Bring a good attitude, a ball, shin guards, cleats and water or a sports beverage to stay hydrated.
Do I Need to Bring My Childs Birth Certificate to Tryouts/Evaluations?
No, players should upload this information when registering your player if the have not played before. Please DO NOT bring them to tryouts or practice. Players that were born outside the United States (even US Citizens born on Military bases) that have not played in the US may be asked to provide additional information at a later point.
Does Every Child That Comes to Tryouts/Evaluations Make a Team?
Every effort will be made to find a spot for each player to participate. However, on some occasions there may not be a team available and some players may not have a spot. In the younger groups if this happens the player will be encouraged to join the club’s recreation level program so that they can further develop their skills. In so doing they would also be eligible to possibly guest play with a team in their age group on a limited basis or play in a tournament with other recreation level players. We also have good relations with other clubs in the area and often share player information with them if they are in need of players to form teams.
Does My Child Need to Tryout?
Yes, the club is required to evaluate all players wanting to play on one of the clubs Academy or Select teams. You are required to go through the process even if your child played for the club before. If you cannot make the schedule tryout please still register so you are in the system and we can do individual evaluations if spots are still available.
My Child Was on the Team Last Year, Do They Still Need to Come to Evaluations?
Yes, ALL players wanting to play must be evaluated
What if My Child Cannot Make Evaluations?
If you cannot attend the clubs scheduled evaluations please still register them and email to let us know you will not be in attendance. They way we can account for them in our planning and contact you for an individual evaluation if there are spots still available. Preference will be given to those that do come out, but often times there are additional spots available and the club can work out special make up days for evaluations if needed.
How Do Evaluations Work?
Evaluations are held in Blythewood at the Cobblestone Amenity Center or Doko Park when available. Normally they are held on a Saturday with the Academy level teams working out in the morning and the select level teams coming out that afternoon. Each player is assigned a number and they must wear it at all time. This number is used to track them thorough to process. Evaluators are not given the names that go with each number. The results are published by this number so make sure you remember what it is even after you leave. The coaches will run the players through a series of drills to help them evaluate the players coachability, behavior, technical skill level, and physical skill. They will be given a number for each category. The coaches in a particular age group will also rank the players from top to bottom and give notes on their reasoning. All of these numbers are then tabulated and a final ranking is given to each. From there the teams are made. In the case when an age group has multiple teams team assignment is based on these scores. Again, every effort is made to find players a team to play on, but in the case there are not enough spots these scores are used to decided who is on what team. It is not until after the teams are formed that the names are put with the number and the coaches are given their team to contact.
What are Coaches Looking for During the Evaluations?
Coaches are looking for coachability, behavior, technical skills, and physical abilities.
Do Returning Players Get Preference in the Evaluations?
No. All players must complete the evaluation process each year. Returning players are NOT guaranteed spots and will be evaluated using the same standard as all the others.
Are Parents Required to Attend Evaluations?
Parents are encouraged to attend. Typically, there is a parent’s meeting to let people know about the process, the club, the commitment and to answer any questions they may have. However, the parents are not required to attend.
Who Will Be Evaluating My Child?
Each child will be evaluated by one or more licensed coaches.
Can I Choose Which Age Group My Child Tries Out For?
No, but you can make your wishes known. Players must be evaluated in their age appropriate group. If they excel in that age group the Director of Coaching, at his discretion, can allow them to participate with the older group on the second day. If you have a U12 level player that might be interested in playing up to U13 then you can attend both the academy and the select sessions. Just make sure you let the coaches know.
Can My Daughter Tryout for a Boys Team?
Yes. Some of our better players on the boys teams are actually girls. The club tries to form age and gender appropriate teams whenever possible, but in some cases we either do not have enough for a girls only team or players are needed to fill out a boys team.
Are the Coaches Licensed? Have Background Checks? Paid?
All coaches in our Academy and Select programs are required to be licensed coaches and everyone directly involved with the club is required to undergo a background check. Our coaches have regular club training to keep them developing. For their efforts they do receive a stipend to help offset their cost.
How Will the Evaluation Results Be Communicated?
The registration system is designed to send out emails to all player indicating if there were placed on a team and what their next step is. In the case your player did not get a spot don’t panic. It is not unusual for spots to open up or new teams to be formed later in the summer. If that happens you will be contacted at that time. We also have contacts with a number of local clubs and can help find your player a spot with their club if one is available. Typically results are sent out within 7 to 10 days. We try to do it much faster, but sometimes it takes longer than expected.
Tryouts Are Over, What Next?
As mentioned above we do our best to get results emailed out as quickly as possible. We may also have coaches contact you directly. All effort is made to have coaches lined up for all teams before the evaluations, but in cases of unexpected numbers sometimes it may be a week or two after all the tryouts are completed before all the teams are settled. Be patient.
I Have Been Notified My Child Made a Team. What Next?
Shortly after getting notified you have been placed on a team you will be given information about how to accept that placement. Typically there is a deadline to register and we ask that you please let us know if you are or are not accepting the assignment as soon as possible as there may be others that are on the waiting list that could use the spot if your players is not playing for the club. When accepting the assignment, you will be required to pay at least a $150 non-refundable deposit to reserve the spot. You can pay all your team fees at that time or you can sign up for one of the teams payment plans. Your coach should contact you once one is assigned to your team and help you with this process if needed. From there they will let you know when practice starts and give you more details as needed. If this is your child’s first time playing and they were born outside the United States you may be asked to complete some additional FIFA required paperwork. There is often a little bit of a dead or slow period from the time teams are announced until practice starts so don’t panic if you are not hearing from your coach much between June and early July. We encourage players that want to get started early to join one of our 5v5 team. Once all teams are set up you will also get an email from the club with information about how to order uniforms. We are on a two year cycle so if your player already has a current uniform they may not need to order another one. We HIGHLY encourage all families to order uniforms as soon as they get the notice as it can take weeks for them to come in during this time of they year. Since many teams play in pre-season tournaments getting them in early is important.
I Got Notice My Child Made a Team, But the Coach Has not called.
While all effort is made to have coaches assigned for each team in all the age groups sometimes due to unexpected numbers or registration commitments that may not be possible. Be patient. Follow the instructions in the email about completing your registration and accepting your team assignment. If you are concerned please feel free to contact us, but you will be contacted as soon as a coach is assigned. There is often a little bit of a dead or slow period from the time teams are announced until practice starts so don’t panic if you are not hearing from your coach much between June and early July.
My Child Has Made a Team, When Do I Need to & How Do I Order Uniforms.
There is a whole section on uniforms, but after all the teams are finalized and put in the system your coach or the club’s uniform coordinator will reach out to you about getting them ordered. Again, it cannot be stressed enough that you need to order any needed uniforms as soon as possible to make sure they are here before your players first game.